Welcome to PrayForUSA!

Please click on the “Prayer Guides” button above to find weekly prayer guides.

Christians have been praying for God’s blessing and protection upon the people in America for about 500 years. 

Our country, the United States of America, was established with a prayerful dependance upon the divine providence of the almighty God.  Prayer for our nation has continued to be a regular practice throughout the centuries; prayers for divine blessing, protection and guidance, and prayers of praise and thanksgiving.

Recognizing the continuing and urgent need for divine providence in the affairs of our nation today, and in the affairs of all peoples of the world, these prayer guides are shared for those who might find them useful in praying for the USA.

May God bless you as you join us and many other Christians in requesting that God will truly bless America in our times!

Please click on the “Prayer Guides” button at the top of the page to find weekly prayer guides.